Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Church on the Rock Waco  Close to the Shepherd  Church on the Rock Waco 
 2. Church on the Rock Waco  Stay Close to the Shepherd - part two  Church on the Rock Waco 
 3. Download Sound Effects - SoundDogs - Sound Hog  (��d Effects - Frogs,Jungle,Close,Creepy - Active frogs from close perspective. Lots of variety and good insect walla. Lanquin, Guatemala.  http://www.Sounddogs.com 
 4. Venetian Instrumental Trio  The shepherd boy (take 1)  Edison Blue Amberol: 1578 
 5. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 6. Unknown Artist  PM RT Shepherd  Unknown Album 
 7. Ralph Vaughan Williams  The Shepherd  The Pilgrim'S Progress - A Bunyan Sequence 
 8. Church in OKC  Shepherd  This Divine Romance 
 9. Camps with Meaning  God is our shepherd  - 
 10. Church in OKC  Shepherd  This Divine Romance 
 11. Exodus  War Is My Shepherd  Tempo of the Damned   
 12. Ann Sweeten  shepherd me  A Place In The Sun 
 13. Exodus  War Is My Shepherd  Tempo of the Damned   
 14. Steve Sandfort  The Shepherd  Too Wonderful To Know 
 15. Allen Ginsberg reading Blake  The Shepherd  Ginsberg reading Blake / NY, Dec-15-1969 
 16. Dana "Short Order" Cooke  Shepherd's Pie (duo)  Westcott Sessions 
 17. Camps with Meaning  God is our shepherd  - 
 18. Forgiven  Shepherd Me O God  By Request 
 19. Forgiven  Shepherd Me O God  By Request 
 20. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 21. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 22. William Blake  The Shepherd  Songs of Innocence and Experience 
 23. Percy Grainger  Shepherd's Hey  LNSO/Normunds Vaicis 
 24. Percy Grainger  Shepherd's Hey  LNSO/Normunds Vaicis 
 25. Grainger/Schissel  Shepherd s Hey  Demo Only 
 26. Allen Pote, arr. Martha Lynn Thompson  The Lord Is My Shepherd  Spring 2005 Handbell Packet 
 27. Billy Goodman  Good Shepherd  Neuenkirchen Dec 1 2007 2 
 28. Eric Horner  Let The Shepherd Lead  No Need Lookin Back 
 29. Don Francisco  Shepherd's Song  The Sower 
 30. Dan Brown  The Faithful Shepherd  Bible Baptist Church Sermons 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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